& Educational Institutions
For the special needs of Corporates and Educational Institutions, I customise programs depending upon the organisational needs. There are programs for top management, middle and lower management, and clerical and technical staff. In the case of educational institutions, the programs are for management, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, and students of different grades.
Every workshop is geared to transform non-productive beliefs and mental blocks into useful thinking patterns that increase efficiency at work, bring co-operation, and enhance self-awareness. This helps to infuse eagerness and enthusiasm that benefits the participants, both, personally and professionally. Through interactive sessions, learning and re-learning becomes an enjoyable experience. The holistic program is a combination of soft skills, leadership training, sensitivity and creativity enhancement, confidence building, enhancing 'team' skills, and empowering values and ethics that add valuable strength to management and optimise functioning in the given environment. Individuals are encouraged to externalise their spiritual core by putting down personal visions and mission statements that empower them, and add value to the organisation.
Corporate leadership faces the need for a quantum leap in their thinking and leadership. Swift technological upgrades demand creative restructuring in the work place so that staff and management do not feel redundant and are not confused about their roles. This is often the cause of quick employee turnover and absenteeism.
Programs can be modified for Social Clubs, NGO's, Women's Organisations, and Private Groups.

Program Modules
Stress Management
Time Management
Anger Management
Maintaining Work-Life Balance
Communication Confidence
Manifestation & Motivation
Strong Leadership
Enhancing Emotional Quotient
Building Trust & Harmony
Mutual Respect and Harmony
Goals Setting & Fulfilment
Meditation & Techniques