The Inner Child & The Adult Masterclass
No one can heal your wounds for you. Till you have understand that at a deep, core, level why your wounds are present, why they have not yet been released, how you can fully and completely release them, and how you can start over again on your terms, you shall continue to be caught in stifling patterns of unfulfilling relationships, failures, sickness, scarcities, disappointments, and insecurities.
Angels And Crystals Therapy Masterclass
This course introduces you to the two purest cosmic energies, and simplifies how to apply this empowering cosmic knowledge in your life.
Crystalline Consciousness Activation Masterclass
Crystalline Consciousness Activation introduces you, in a profound way, to the Crystalline Energy of Gaia, and connects you to the Crystalline Energies of the Cosmos.
Psychic & Mediumistic Development Masterclass
This Masterclass is pointedly focused towards the intention of removing all hurdles in your path, so that you can access the inborn ability that helps you to help yourself and others.