Ellaeenah is wonderful spiritual mentor. I have personally experienced her warmth and encouragement during times that I needed it most. I am happy to highly recommend her to others who may wish to seek any engagement with her.
Vineet Dhingra, Entrepreneur & Singer
Mumbai, India
My introduction to Ellaeenah JadeFire was her series on the Chakras. I am a person who has been involved in Spirit all my life. However, the clarity and the depth of each Chakra and how to incorporate Hermetic Laws.
Outstanding! I continue to share her youtube channel and knowledge with those asking the right question.
Ellaeenah JadeFire has brought clarity and wisdom with her many videos and help many. I support Ellaeenah by marketing our conversation via my website.
Thank you for this opportunity for me to share how special Ellaeenah is and to encourage here to continue on her path... she is truly special.
Natalie Evans, Journalist/Founder SHC.ORG (Save Harris County)
Arizona, USA
I decided to approach Ellaeenah after enjoying her YouTube meditations for many years. I was struggling with my inner child work. Her inner child meditation was useful for me. Initially, I didn't really understand how she works or what healing could be. My first phone session with her was an experience that I cannot describe in words. I felt understood, soothed, and hopeful is possibly the nearest. Her emphatic professional manner touched my heart.
Importantly, for me as a psychiatrist, a scientific suspicious person, I was amazed with how seriously and practically she understood what was needed for me. I negotiated my hurdles quickly with her guidance. As she said on Facebook, Ellaeenah actually is a catalyst for an empowered life through emotional support and mental clarity. She is special in that she respects my own ways of understanding rather than insisting on a different way of being for me. I would recommend her services to anyone in exactly the way she states. I am privileged and honoured to have known you. Thanks.
Dr. Devina Singh
Sydney, Australia
Dear El,
My journey with you over last many years has been that of growth and exploration. You have held my hand at crucial junctures and nudged me towards self reliance. Thank you! Although words cannot express the gratitude enough.
Kenny Motwani
Pune, India
Ellaeenah has been a beautiful trigger in my journey. My spiritual deepening began in 2000 and I spontaneously started receiving intuitive input from within. And then at some point i read a channelled book, and somehow knew immediately it is what i was being prepared to do – but had NO idea as to how. But the universe must’ve had its own plans, for soon I met Ellaeenah and her channelling group. That meeting was fortuitous and led to a great unravelling – El and her energies - helped all that was within to be channelled outwards as a strong flow.
She proved to be a important catalyst enabling me to go forth into the world with my own spiritual work. I gained much ‘gyan’ from her channellings - and her belief in me. I consider El a divine gift that enabled me towards better fulfilling my destiny.
Divyaa Kummaar
Mumbai, India
I have known Ell for almost 8 years and visit her for guidance and healing sessions every few months. Firstly she's one of the loveliest human beings I know. Her warmth and her genuine intent for my happiness make me feel comfortable discussing anything with her!
She's truly gifted in perceiving issues hidden deep into a person's subconscious mind and I have been able to overcome many of my inner obstacles with her help.
Her advice and tarot readings about my work, health and relationships have given me clarity and comfort. And I must mention from personal experience that she goes way beyond her professional obligations. I recently went through some emotional turmoil while being abroad and would text her late in the night - she was amazingly patient and sent me healing - and I felt significantly better. She's much more than a professional healer. How can I ever repay this debt of gratitude..
Kanchan Wadi
Mumbai, India
"Sweetie! Just seriously don't think so much and take an appointment with El!"
"Nina, Why don't you just ask El to make your charts and see if it has chances to work?
"Rick, just call El- I am telling you, she would be able to give it some clarity."
These are but just a few lines so often used with our friends, families, siblings, colleagues , spouses, any one going through a long spell of 'bad phase' " broken heart' confusion, ambiguity - Just ask El.
El to us does not give an answer, She is a sounding board , an inner voice opener, an insight giver, a completely 'out of the box' solution giver, a shifting of perspective abler, a completely 'what nonsense' able to make us how we might have made a mountain of a molehill teller, a serious but gentle spanker, a giggle to laughter friend, mentor, confidante'. El will make you think , make you see and help you either forgive and let go, or hold on and let go... So, even if she does not give an answer, she will... be the answer to go to most of your questions. We love her and swear by her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reshma Jain
Mumbai, India
Whenever I have come with some query which seems difficult, meeting up with you has always been an eye opener, removing a layer of not knowingness so to speak & opening up a pathway where there seemed a dead end before. Tremendous positivity & loving warmth envelopes one in calming embrace so one leaves feeling safer & stronger.
Thanks a ton Ell.
Kiran More
Mumbai, India
Dearest El, Congratulations for ur new website! You have been a great inspiration to my husband & myself as our spiritual leader and we have gainfully participated in all your spiritual endeavours in all fields of life. With the Grace of The Universe may you carry on with your work in helping and guiding all of us towards a fruitful, meaningful and happy life.
Thanking you wholeheartedly,
With Love Always.
Yasmin Curravala
Mumbai, India
Thank you so much Niloufer for the lovely meditations you so freely share with all of us via YouTube. They have helped me greatly, many times. God bless.
Hutoxi Boman
Mumbai, India
El is a lovely person who has this unique ability to tune into your energy and pick up the vibrations from the universe for you. She does not believe in predictions but could accurately give indications of what to take care of and how things may unfold in future. It is a not a prediction because things depend on the choices we make. She is an amazing speaker and can articulate her thoughts and ideas very well to put light on her concepts. She feels for you, and can coach you by giving practical ideas on improving life situations. She is a gem of a person who has deep knowledge on esoteric matter. Highly recommend her to all.
Reena Singh
Mumbai, India
Dear Ell, your wisdom is clear and profound... It is always a pleasure to attend your meetings. Thank you.
Avi Cama
Mumbai, India
I am ever so thankful to you for having guided me and my kids so well. Your soul charts have been so helpful. You have been a wonderful teacher and a spiritual mentor and have literally held my hand and shown the way when the going was tough. Even today my kids and I truly appreciate your unconditional support when ever we need you.
Munira Badani
Mumbai, India
I Am So happy that I am connected to you . There is a lot of change in my behaviour after I joined your WhatsApp workshop. I would love to be associated with your work and learn from it. Thanks for making me your part.
Love you lots.
Hetal Karmarkar
Mumbai, India
Dear Ellaeenah
I know you are blessed with immense modesty that is so self effacing that it is uncomfortable and embarrassed by praise. But I am writing this so that others benefit from the unique gift of God that has been given to you. So allow me to share my experience with your friends and readers.
I came to you in Stage IV cancer in July 2015. I was right at the edge, staring into a deep and dark abyss. The doctors told me that I had to undergo a major radical surgery if I was to have any chance. They told me that otherwise my time was limited. On the other hand someone suggested me to try Ayurveda. So I came to ask you about what I should do. I came to meet you but what I witnessed was the closest presence of God that I had experienced in my life till that day.
You talked to me for about 30 minutes before reading your special channelled cards for me. Even before you read the cards, you told me, "Ravi I can clearly see your aura. It is bright , healthy and beautiful. You are going to live long. So immediately stop worrying about your life." You went on to give me very detailed and accurate guidance on way forward. After that you read my cards and told me even more convincingly that there was no risk to my life. You further elaborated on what I needed to do. Simple, small things like positive affirmations, faith and self healing.
Today I write after one year. I am absolutely healthy, whole, happy and healed. I am running marathons and the PET reports indicate the disease has significantly regressed!! I can never thank you enough. I do not know how to thank you. For never before I had to thank a God's messenger for a miracle as big as this!!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Late Mr. Ravi Malhan
Mumbai, India
I decided to approach Ellaeenah after enjoying her YouTube meditations for many years. I was struggling with my inner child work. Her inner child meditation was useful for me. Initially, I didn't really understand how she works or what healing could be. My first phone session with her was an experience that I can not describe in words. I felt understood, soothed, and hopeful is possibly the nearest. Her emphatic professional manner touched my heart. Importantly, for me as a psychiatrist, a scientific suspicious person, I was amazed with how seriously and practically she understood what was needed for me. I negotiated my hurdles quickly with her guidance. As she said on Facebook, Ellaeenah actually is a catalyst for empowered life through emotional support and mental clarity. She is special in that she respects my own ways of understanding rather than insisting on a different way of being for me. I would recommend her services to anyone in exactly the way she states. I am privileged and honoured to have known you. Thanks.
--Dr Devina Singh, Sydney.