A sad and troubled mother came to consult me today. This is written as a tribute to her, and to all of us mothers who love our troubled teenagers, no matter what.
It’s so hard to love you
When you constantly push me away
I long to enter
But out is where I must stay
It’s so hard to love you
The way I know you want to be loved
……If only you would open your heart.
I know I have erred
And made mistakes you can’t forget
I know I have failed
Even when I really tried my best
You are a teenager and oh! so cruel
I am the adult
But, why, so often, do I feel a fool?
Let me hold you
Like I did when you were born
Let me wipe away tears
That lie unshed within your proud heart
Let me take a few steps
To close the distance that sears me
Oh! My baby, let me again be ‘Mommy’
In your eyes I see
The anger that once had blazed in mine
You hurt me, yes,
But I know how deeply you hurt inside
I know you love me
That, I am certain, will never die
For we share the beat of one breathing heart
Who else can you turn to
When you need to scream in rage?
Who else can you beat up
When the world seems a cold and empty stage?
Whose love can be so strong
To contain the depth of your confused pain
And transform it back to love again?
Yes, it hurts to be your mother
And, yes, often have you made me cry
But I would never be anything else, my beloved,
For you are my life, my pride, my joy
And if in these tumultuous years
I can be there for you
As my mother was then for me
I will ever be grateful to God above
For the lessons you have taught to me
I have learnt that though painful
Motherhood is hard to best
Its victory lies in surrender
In acceptance it triumphs the rest
As you grow, my daughter,
I grow too……
This legacy of the Joy of Life
One day I will gift to you
And when you are a Mother,
My beautiful daughter,
Remember these words with care……
Love your children for who they are
(Yes, even when they shout and stare!)
And one day, when your hair turns grey
They will be your staff along the way.