When you see me with your eyes, you don’t see me at all
You see sullenness and harshness, anger, and bitterness -
When you look at me, you don’t look at my face at all
You look at your newspaper, your TV, your anything, but me -
I seem to be faceless
If you would look at me through my eyes
You would see hurt and pain, loneliness and fear -
If you would look at me with my eyes, you would see ME in my truth
Tired of being strong, needing another set of shoulders to share the load -
I am not faceless
The tasks I do, often taken for granted -
See my face, and you shall know the one behind the tasks
The voiceless duties thrust upon me -
The tired spirit not recognised at all
Feeling spent and faceless
Look at my face and recognise me
Look at my face and acknowledge my role
Look deeply into the chores and tasks and duties
And see me – I am not faceless.